• Türkçe
  • English

•Research and Project








Journal/ Conference/ Book

​The COLT Observation Scheme Digital versions and updated research applications

2024 Book Chapter (International) Ortaçtepe, D., & Akyel, A. S. Using COLT in an EFL Professional Development Program in Turkey
Cumhuriyetin ilk yüzyılında eğitim: Kurumlar, Etkinlikler ve Öğretim. 2024 Book editor Eveyik-Aydın (Ed.) Yeditepe Üniversitesi Yayınevi. ISBN: 9789753071543
Eğitime adanmış bir ömür: Prof. Dr. Ayşe Semra Akyel ile söyleşi 2024 Book Chapter Eveyik-Aydın (Ed.) Cumhuriyetin ilk yüzyılında eğitim: Kurumlar, Etkinlikler ve Öğretim.Yeditepe Üniversitesi Yayınevi. ISBN: 9789753071543
Morfolojik Yuvalanma ve Bağımlı Süreçlerin Şaşırtıcı Üretkenliği 2024 Proceeding Kunduracı, Aysun 37. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı, Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Kocaeli
Online Corpus Training for Pre-Service Language Teachers 2023 Conference Presentation Genç- Yöntem, E. & Yıldız, S. Free Linguistics Conference, 29 Eylül-1 Ekim, Kadir Has University, İstanbul, Turkey.
Bringing corpus use into classroom: The case of a Secondary School Teacher in an EFL context 2023 Conference Presentation Genç- Yöntem, E. & Eveyik- Aydın, E. The Twelfth International Corpus Linguistics Conference, July 3-6, Lancaster University, Lancaster, England, United Kingdom.
Uses of Language Corpora in ELT: Suggestions for Practical Applications


Invited talk

Ece Genç Yöntem Istanbul Technical University, School of Foreign Languages, the second ELT conference entitled "Within and Beyond the Classroom" held at Mustafa Kemal Auditorium in Maçka Campus on June 1-2, 2023.
The relationship between the emotional labor and burnout levels of EFL teachers at university preparatory schools. 2023 Article Ergül- Bayram, P. & Eveyik- Aydın, E. TEFLIN Journal, 34(2), 226-244. http://dx.doi.org/10.15639/teflinjournal.v34i2/226-244     

Preservice EFL teachers’ reflectivity levels on evaluation tasks assigned during practicum.



Çelik, S. & Eveyik- Aydın, E.

Innovational Research in ELT, 4(2), 17-27.https://doi.org/10.29329/irelt.2023.623.2

Designing units with the UbD framework to teach English as a foreign language: Benefits and Challenges.



Çelikman Hanratty & Eveyik- Aydın, E.

Sakarya University Journal of Education, 13(3), 435-455. https://doi.org/10.19126/suje.1277604

A brief overview of approaches and methods in language teaching.


Book Chapter

Eveyik-Aydın, E.

In D.D. Köksal & B. Demir, Language Teaching Approaches and Methods (pp.1-17). Eğiten Publishing. ISBN: 978-625-6946-66-8.
Bound productivity in stem-formation and categorial separation 2023 SSCI Article Kunduracı, Aysun Lingua 294, 103597

Nested Stems of Morphology



Kunduracı, Aysun

Paper presented at the 21st International Conference on Turkish Linguistics (ICTL 2023). August 2-4, Mainz. Johannes Gutenberg University, Germany.
İyelik Öbeklerinde Karıştırma, Kısıtlama ve Onarma 2023 Proceeding Kunduracı, Aysun 36. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı, Erciyes Üniversitesi, Kayseri
Translanguaging pedagogies in EFL vs Turkish as SL classes in Turkish university context 2023 Book chapter Küçükali, E. & Koçbaş, D.

International Research in Education Sciences. Platanus Publishing

ISBN: 978-625-6971-49-3

Relationship among EFL Reading Comprehension, Silent Reading Rate, Vocabulary, and Reading Motivation 2022 Article Savasci, M., & Akyel, A. S. Savasci, M., & Akyel, A. S. (2022). Relationship among EFL Reading Comprehension, Silent Reading Rate, Vocabulary, and Reading Motivation. i-Manager's Journal on English Language Teaching, 12(2), 16.
Investigating the comparative effects of Sustained Silent Reading, Assisted Repeated Reading, and Traditional Reading 2022 Article Savasci, M., & Akyel, A. S. Savaşçı, M., & Akyel, A. S. (2022). Investigating the Comparative Effects of Sustained Silent Reading, Assisted Repeated Reading, and Traditional Reading. TEFLIN Journal, 33(1), 173-200.
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Perspective in ELT Coursebook Evaluation 2022 Book chapter Eveyik- Aydın, E. & Genç- Yöntem, E. In G. Sönmez & S. Gürkan (Eds.), Coursebook Evaluation in Language Teaching (pp. 155-176). Eğiten Publishing. ISBN: 978-625-8420-03-6
Perspectives of EFL teacher trainers and pre-service teachers on continued mandatory distance education during the pandemic. 2022

Article (SSCI)

Çamlıbel- Acar, Z. & Eveyik-Aydın, E. Teaching and Teacher Education, 112.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2022.103635
Action Research for Continuous Professional Development 2022 INSET Ece Genç Yöntem An action research module for English Teachers who applied for the in-service training program offered by Istanbul Öğretmen Akademileri Lisan Akademisi, Tuna Salonu, İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü, İstanbul, Turkiye. (2022, 4 Ekim – 2023, 3 Ocak)
Türkçede Çatı: Üye-yapısı ve İşlevsel Yapı 2022 Proceeding Kunduracı, Aysun 35. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı, Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Konya
Biçim, Anlam, Ulam ve Taban İşlemcisi. 2022 Invited talk Kunduracı, Aysun DÖP AS Seminerleri, 21 Ocak 2022. Zoom/Youtube.
Elementary school children’s use of language learning strategies in reading and writing. 2022 Book chapter Eveyik- Aydın, E. In Z. Çamlıbel-Acar (Ed), Research and Practice in Teaching Second Language Skills to Young Learners (pp.63-82). Pegem Publishing. ISBN: 978-625-8325-84-3.
Language Teachers' Responses to Multilingual Classrooms: A Linguistic Ideological Perspective 2022 Article Erduyan, I., Bektaş, S., & Şentürk, H. Bogazici University Journal of Education, 39-1, 243-258. https://doi.org/10.52597/buje.1227214
The compilation of a developmental spoken English corpus of Turkish EFL learners 2022 Article Genç- Yöntem, E. & Eveyik- Aydın, E. Research in Corpus Linguistics, 10(1), 45–62. https://doi.org/10.32714/ricl.10.01.03
An Investigation of the Subsections of Undergraduate Placement Examination of English (LYS-5) 2022 Article Genç- Yöntem, E. Edu 7: Yeditepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(13), 1-17.
Supervisors’ Written Feedback on Teaching Practices of Pre-service Teachers of English: An Exploratory Case Study 2022 Book chapter Genç- Yöntem, E. In G. Sönmez (Ed.), Prof. Dr. Ayşe S. Akyel’e Öğrencilerinden Armağan Kitap: Türkiye’de Yabancı Dil Öğretmeni Eğitimi Üzerine Araştırmalar, Ankara: Eğiten Publishing, 51-70.

Reflections on Pre-service teacher education in the

time of mandatory online education

2021 Invited talkl Eveyik-Aydın

1st International

Congress on

Teaching and

Teacher Education,

Biruni University,

Istanbul, Türkiye.

The Role of Action Research in Continuing Professional Development



INSET Ece Genç Yöntem Webinar for English Teachers who applied for the in-service training program offered by Istanbul Öğretmen Akademileri Lisan Akademisi.
The ELF discourse 2021 Book chapter Bayyurt, Y., Şentürk, H. Cavalheiro, L., Guerra, L., & Pereira, R. J. (2021). The handbook to English as a lingua franca practices for inclusive multilingual classrooms. Húmus.
Do Language Teachers Affect Their Students' Attitudes to Translanguaging Pedagogies? 2021 Proceeding Küçükali, E. & Koçbaş, D. ICRAL 2021-5th International Conference Research in Applied Linguistics.
The dynamism of Turkish morphophonology 2021 Book chapter Kunduracı, Aysun Synergy II: Linguistics Contemporary Studies on Turkish Linguistics, in Söylemez A. S., Kumcu A., Peter Lang. ISBN:978-625-7243-46-9
Türkçede Saltbiçim, Ayrıklık ve Biçimsel Yaratıcılık 2021 Proceeding Kunduracı, Aysun 34. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara
The Effect of Audio and Video Modality on Perception of Reduced Forms: The Role of Web-Based Instruction – Reduced Forms in an L2 Listening Context. 2021 Book chapter Gülözer, K. and Kocoglu, Z. In Turel, V. (Ed.), Design Solutions for Adaptive Hypermedia Listening Software, (pp. 76-104). IGI Global Publishers.
The Benefits of Spontaneous Translanguaging Pedagogies on EFL Students’ Language Skills 2021 Proceeding Küçükali, E. & Koçbaş, D. ICRAL 2021 -5th International Conference Research in Applied Linguistics
Linguistic resources in the acquisition of writing: a test with Turkish-Kurmanjî  (Kurdish) bilingual and Turkish monolingual first-graders in Turkey 2021 Book chapter Koçbaş, D., Schroeder C. & Şimşek, Y. Esra Hack-Cengizalp & Irene Corvacho del Toro (eds.) Literalität und Mehrsprachigkeit (pp. 71 – 90). Bielefeld: WBV.
Türkiye’deki okur-yazarlık eğitimi açısından kapsayıcılığın sınırları 2021 Invited talk Koçbaş, D. Kapsayıcı Eğitim: Kesişimsel ve Disiplinlerarası Perspektifler Çalıştayı. 8 Mayıs 2021. İstanbul, Türkiye
Benefits and issues of translanguaging pedagogies on language learning: Students’ perspective.


Article Kucukali, E., & Koçbaş, D. Turkish Online Journal of English Language Teaching (TOJELT), 6(3), 55-85.
Learning through a reciprocal peer observation experience: Perspectives of EFL instructors and professional development unit head at a private university. 2020 Book chapter Dinç-Ayaz, C. & Eveyik-Aydın, E. I In D. U. Gökmen, A. Y. Ercan & I.R. Silahtaroğlu (Eds.), English Language Teaching in the 21st Century: Changing identities, agencies, and mindsets (pp.146-164). Marmara University Press. E-ISBN: 978-975-400-440-3 https://cutt.ly/pl02NBF
The Role of Action Research in Continuing Professional Development



INSET Ece Genç Yöntem Webinar for English Teachers who applied for the in-service training program offered by Istanbul Öğretmen Akademileri Lisan Akademisi.
Sesbilim-biçimbilim arakesiti 2020 Book chapter Kunduracı, Aysun İ. Pınar Uzun (Haz.), Kuramsal ve Uygulamalı Sesbilim. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık. 103-125. ISBN: 978 975 02 6012 4.
Prosodic marking in nominal predications 2020 Book chapter Kunduracı, Aysun Abdullah Balcıoğulları & Mehmet Şahin (Haz.), Current Studies in Social Sciences II. Ankara: Akademisyen Kitabevi/Academician Publishing House. 15-31. ISBN: 9786257795449.
The Flipped Classroom's Effect on EFL Learners' Grammar Knowledge. 2020 Article Bulut, C. and Kocoglu, Z. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 12(4): 69-84.
Zihin, dil ve modülerlik üzerine 2020 Book chapter Kunduracı, Aysun

Erdem Sarıkaya (Haz.), Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimlerde Teori ve Araştırmalar I. Ankara: Gece Kitaplığı/Gece Publishing. 145-170. ISBN: 


Etkileşimli Dilyapısı ve Türkçede Karmaşık Adlaşmalar 2020 Article Kunduracı, Aysun

Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi 31(1), 1–31.

Türkçede Bileşik Eki ve Türetimsel Dizil. 2020 Article Kunduracı, Aysun

Dil Dergisi 171/2: 7–31.

Thematic progression patterns in English argumentative essays by Turkısh EFL Students 2020 Proceeding Keskin, D. & Koçbaş, D.

Cukurova 5th International Conference on Scientific Researches

Comparison of Mono- and Bilingual Pupils in Turkish Class. 2020 Book chapter Koçbaş D., Schroeder C. & Şimşek, Y. In: Christoph Schroeder & Inken Sürig (eds.) Literacy Acquisition in Schools (pp. 467 – 490). Potsdam: Universitötsverlag.
The Role of Theme and Rheme in Thematic Progression Patterns in English Argumentative Essays by Turkish University Students 2020 Article Keskin, D. & Koçbaş, D. Edu7: Yeditepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 10 (12), 64-82
The paradigmatic aspect of compounding and derivation 2019



Kunduracı, Aysun Journal of Linguistics 55/3: 563–609.
Nonterminal categories of morphology 2019 Book chapter Kunduracı, Aysun Ömer T. Kara & Ömer G. Ulum (Haz.), Language and Literature II. Ankara: Akademisyen Kitabevi/Academician Publishing House. 1-18.
Saltbiçim İşlemleri ve Taban Biçimleme 2019 Article Kunduracı, Aysun Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi 30(2), 199–219.
Developing EFL Writing Skill through WhatsApp Dialogue Journaling. 2019 Article Noyan, E. & Kocoglu, Z. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 10(2): 38-44.
Damaksıllaşma ve [Öndil] Üzerine: Türkçe ve Karayca Uyumlarındaki Örtüşme. 2019 Article Kunduracı, Aysun Dil Dergisi 170/2: 9–30.
Biçimyapısal Yaratıcılık ve Arabiçimler 2019 Invited talk Kunduracı, Aysun İzmir Dilbilim Çevresi Seminerleri - davetli konuşma. 6 Aralık 2019, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Dilbilim Bölümü
Kuramsal Biçimbilim Farkındalığı ve Dilin Yapısı. 2019 Invited talk Kunduracı, Aysun 13. DÖK davetli konuşma. 19-20 Nisan 2019, Ankara Üniversitesi, Dilbilim Bölümü.
Effects of TPRS on very young learners’ vocabulary acquisition 2019 Article Kara, K. & Eveyik-Aydın, E. Advances in Language and Literary Studies 10(1), 135-146.
Learning through a Reciprocal Peer Observation Experience: Perspectives of EFL Instructors and Professional Development Unit Head at A Private University. 2019, Oct. Conference Presentation Dinç Ayaz, C. & Eveyik-Aydın, E

Marmara University English Language Teaching Conference, Marmara University, Istanbul, Türkiye. 

An exploration on the reflectivity of prospective EFL teachers. 2019,Nisan Conference Presentation Çelik, S. & Eveyik-Aydın, E ILTERG the International Language Teacher Education Conference, Antalya, Türkiye.
Beyond Practicum: Interplay between Prospective EFL Teachers’ Conceptualizations of Field Experience and Teaching Career 2019 Article Selçuk, M. & Genç- Yöntem, E. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 10(1), 154-162.
The Role of Action Research in Continuing Professional Development



INSET Ece Genç Yöntem Seminar for English Teachers who applied for the in-service training program offered by Istanbul Öğretmen Akademileri Lisan Akademisi.
English Language Teaching Graduate Students’ Use of Discussion Moves in Research Articles. 2018, Mayıs Conference Presentation Koca, G., Eveyik-Aydin, E  ICACL 2018: 20th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics, Amsterdam, NL
Young Learners' Use of Strategies in Reading and Writing Tasks: A Case Study in Turkish EFL context. 2018, Mayıs Conference Presentation Eveyik-Aydın 5th International Eurasian Educational Research Congress, Antalya, Türkiye.
Possible effects of Sustained Silent Reading in an EFL context: Learner perceptions 2018 Article Savasci, M., & Akyel, A. S. Savasci, M., & Akyel, A. (2018). Possible effects of sustained silent reading in an EFL context: Learner perceptions. Journal of Extensive Reading, 4, 114-126.
Turkish Subordination: Form, Meaning, and Grammatical Function. 2018 Poster Presentation Kunduracı, Aysun Poster presented at ISBCS 2018 (International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Science), 6 May 2018, Boğaziçi University.
Türkçede Etkileşimsel Yantümceleme. 2018 Proceeding Kunduracı, Aysun 32. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı. 3-4 Mayıs 2018, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi.
Eleştirel Okuma, Eleştirel Yazma 2018 Book chapter Kunduracı, Aysun H. Kılıç (Haz.), Eleştirel Düşün: Öğren, Sorgula, Üret. İstanbul: Yeditepe Üniversitesi Yayınevi. 57-69.





Project Partners


Responsible Person

​The Effect of Corpus Training on Senior Pre-service Teachers’ Language Teaching Materials Development (BAP)

2022-2023 Boğaziçi Üniversitesi (Senem Yıldız, proje yürütücüsü) Researcher Ece Genç-Yöntem
English as a lingua franca practices for inclusive multilingual classrooms (2018-1-EL01-KA201-047894) 2018-2021 Greece, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Türkiye (Boğaziçi Üni) Researcher Hakan Şentürk

Mülteci Desteği Alanında Almanya-Türkiye Ortaklık İnisiyatifi HEP BERABER PROJESİ (Stiftung Mercator desteği ile)

2021 Almanya, Türkiye

Project Advisor

Dilara Koçbaş