• Türkçe
  • English


                                                 GLOBAL TEACHING CERTIFICATE PROGRAM 


IB Educator Certificate (IBEC):

IB Teaching and Learning Certificate (DP)

Will be announced

14 weeks (12 Hours per week)
Attendance for all courses is expected through online synchronous model

Courses will start at 18:00 / on weekdays







Vision statement from the Dean of Faculty

As it is known, many schools in our country are implementing the International Baccalaureate's (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP) and Diploma Programme (DP) at various levels in order to raise children and young people in alignment with the realities of our age. To provide versatility and competency, as Yeditepe University, we have implemented the IB Educator Certificate in Teaching and Learning program in February 2020 for the first time in the country for qualified teachers to become well-equipped DP teachers.

Yeditepe University Faculty of Education, accredited by IB officials from Europe to offer this program in March 2019, has four main principles: internationalization, multifaceted education, inquiry-oriented teaching, giving importance to practice. In such an environment, we strive to train teachers who learn by researching, discussing, implementing what they learn in their practice, who have adopted the principle of constantly improving themselves, and who are open to different cultures without compromising our national values. That is why I am sure that we will properly carry out all the IB Educator Certificate programs we will implement; because of those four main principles that I mentioned on the basis of IB programs.

In addition to being a first, our IB Educator Certificate programme has two other important features. The first is the importance we put into practice in this program, as in our undergraduate programs. Our cooperation with İSTEK Schools has been continuing successfully since the establishment of our faculty. In this context, İSTEK Acıbadem Schools and İSTEK Atanur Oğuz Schools, which have an IB diploma program for the practicum dimension of our IB Educator Certificate programme, will support candidate DP teachers studying at the faculty.

Our second feature is that within the framework of the "Professional Development" course in the program, the candidates will conduct an action research on their own practices and prepare a comprehensive article, namely a written report in the form of "extended essay", in English. Thus, candidates will experience “Extended Essay”, an important dimension of IB diploma programme, in their own teaching practices.


Prof. Dr. Yelkin DİKER COŞKUN

Dean of Faculty of Education



Global Teaching Certificate Program (GTCP) is a postgraduate program recognised by International Baccalaureate (IB). The program is designed in line with requirements of IB certificate in teaching and learning which provides an opportunity for participants to be eligible for teaching in IB Diploma Programme. The certificate holders will also be recognised by IB as having met the requirements of professional development associated by IB’s program authorization and evaluation.


Entry Requirements

Every teacher who meets the following requirements can enroll to the program:


Teachers who have a teaching degree in Turkish, English, Mathematics, Psychology, Guidance and Psychological Counseling, Computer and Instructional Technologies, Physics, Biology, Management have teaching experience or are new to teaching and aim to work in International Baccalaureate (IB) World Schools in Turkey or abroad can apply.


Teachers who have an undergraduate degree in related programs with a teaching certificate recognised by the Ministry of National Education.

  • Has a minimum CGPA 2.5.
  • Has proficiency in English with minimum scores in the following English proficiency exams:
    • TOEFL (IBT) 66, YDS 70, YOKDIL 75, or Yeditepe University Proficiency Exam 70


  • *TOEFL (IBT) 66, YDS/YOKDIL 60, or Yeditepe University Proficiency Exam 60 (only for Turkish Language and Literature teachers)


Application Process

All documents must be electronically submitted via email to yeditepesem@yeditepe.edu.tr at the same time of application.

  • Diploma with minimum CGPA 2.5 and/or official teaching certificate
  • CV (prepared in English)
  • TWO recommendation/reference letters (in English)  from current or recent employers/supervisors
    • Letters must be written professionally in a Word doc with the signatures of the referee.
    • Letters must refer to candidate’s teaching skills and experiences
    • Letters are required to be sent by the referees’ personal email address directly to yeditepesem@yeditepe.edu.tr before the application deadline. (hard copies are not accepted)
  • Letter of intention written by the candidate (350 words)
    • Must be written in English and signed by the candidate
    • Must be sent to yeditepesem@yeditepe.edu.tr along with all the other required documents in application.
    • Must refer to candidate’s year of teaching experience, educational philosophy, purpose of application, current knowledge about the IB programmes, level of commitment to certificate programme.
  • English proficiency score
    • Official documents must be submitted via email
    • Yeditepe graduates from 2022 onwards do not require to submit a proficiency exam result.



Important Deadlines


Application Deadline

Will be announced

Yeditepe University Proficiency Exam

Will be announced (Face to Face at Campus)

Online Interviews

Will be announced


Min:16 - Max: 25



Program Content

The participants are offered 3 core courses in which they will learn about the basics of IB and specific issues identified under each area of inquiry, namely, curriculum processes, teaching and learning, assessment and learning and professional learning. The core courses are defined to be prerequisites for area-specific courses. The participants are offered two compulsory area-specific courses in which they discuss teaching, learning and assessment issues specific to their subject area and also the related curricula for IB diploma programme. In addition to those core and area-specific courses, participants will take one elective course based on their interest.

There are two important characteristics of the program. First one is having collaboration with ISTEK Acıbadem Schools (IB World School) and ISTEK Atanur Oğuz Schools (IB World School) which provides participants to observe DP classes and to do teaching practice in DP classes. New collaboration agreements will be signed with other well-known IB world schools in Istanbul to increase the possibilities of having rich and diverse experiences in IB World Schools.

Another important characteristic of the program is the requirement for the participants to conduct action research in an IB World School and to report their findings in a written format.


  • Curriculum in international context
  • IB learner profile
  • Approaches to teaching and learning
  • Teaching, learning, and assessment in IBDP
  • Professional development and study skills
  • Curriculum studies in Turkish A: Literature, English B, Psychology, Business and Management, Mathematics, Biology, Physics.
  • Teaching and learning in Turkish Literature, English B, Psychology, Business and Management, Mathematics, Biology, Physics.
  • Internal and External assessments in IBDP
  • Preparation of course outline per subject area
  • Preparation and implementation of lesson plans and learning activities
  • Examining the internal assessment criteria and assessing sample student work per subject area
  • Preparation for school authorisation and evaluation processes
  • IBDP core courses: Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Extended Essay (EE), Creativity-Activity-Service (CAS)


Alumni Testimonials

"Thanks to the IBDP global teaching certificate programme, I have improved my teaching skills on international contexts and conceptual understanding through both academic and practical knowledge. In addition, I have expanded my horizon on other teaching methods such as inquiry-based teaching. What's better is now I have the chance to put it into practice!" (Alumni ’20 – English Teacher)


"I’m pleased to take part in the IBDP Teaching Certificate Program and would definitely recommend it to teachers who want to make a change both for students and themselves. Deeply motivating but a challenging course, it hasn’t only helped me get the essence of the IB’s philosophy, but also given me inspiration for my future career." (Alumni ’20 – English Teacher)


This training is carried out in cooperation with the International Baccalaureate. For more information: http://egitim.yeditepe.edu.tr/en/global-teaching-certificate-program


Details for application will be announced on program website and on http://sem.yeditepe.edu.tr

For further inquiries please send e-mail to yeditepesem@yeditepe.edu.tr 

Contact +90 (216) 578 0000 (1712/1709) or yeditepesem@yeditepe.edu.tr


Global Teaching Certificate Programme








Curriculum in International Context

Assist. Prof. Meltem İpek Öner




Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in IB

Assist. Prof. Meltem İpek Öner




Professional Development and Study Skills

Assist. Prof. Ece Genç Yöntem






Teaching and Assessment: Language A: Turkish

Assist. Prof. Emrah Pelvanoğlu




Teaching and Assessment: Language B: English

Assist. Prof. Ece Genç Yöntem




Teaching and Assessment: Biology

Inst. Elvan Hekimoğlu




Teaching and Assessment: Mathematics

Assoc. Prof. Hülya Kılıç




Teaching and Assessment: Psychology

Dr. Zeynep Tuğba Kahyaoğlu




Teaching and Assessment: Business & Management

Assoc. Prof. Can Tansel Kaya




Curriculum Studies: Language A: Turkish

Assist. Prof. Emrah Pelvanoğlu




Curriculum Studies: Language B: English

Assist. Prof. Hakan Şentürk




Curriculum Studies: Biology

Inst. Elvan Hekimoğlu




Curriculum Studies: Mathematics

Assoc. Prof. Oğuzhan Doğan




Curriculum Studies: Psychology

Dr. Zeynep Tuğba Kahyaoğlu




Curriculum Studies: Business & Management

Assoc. Prof. Can Tansel Kaya




Final Project**

Assist. Prof. Ece Genç Yöntem



Elective Courses



Inquiry-based Learning (TOK focus)

Assist. Prof. Meltem İpek Öner





*Make up lessons will be done due to the holidays.

**This is a non-credit compulsory course. The action research project in the “Professional Development and Study Skills” course will be completed until the end of the programme. Upon completion of this project, candidate DP teachers will be eligible for the certificate.

***International Baccalaureate is a registered trademark of the International Baccalaureate Organization.