Articles Published in International Peer-reviewed Journals:
Aslan, E. A., Bozdağ, F., Aykaç, B. (2019). Turkish validity and reliability of Watson-Glaser critical thinking appraisal test’s short form. Psychological Applications and Trends, 92-95. DOI: 10.36315/2019inpact023.
Aslan, E. A., Ergün, N., Duman, B., Bozdağ, F., Karataş, S., Fakirullahoğlu, A. M. M. (2018). A research on spouse loss, post-loss coping strategies and future expectations in the elderly. International Journal of Human Sciences, 15(1), 340-358. Doi:10.14687/jhs.v15i1.5118
Aslan, E. A., Duman, B., Şen, D., Duran, C., Atarbay, S. (2016). A pilot study on the perception of innovation and entrepreneurship. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research (64), 139-156. Doi:
Aykaç, B. & Aslan, A. E. (In press). Developing Istanbul Critical Thinking Scale. HAYEF: Journal of Education.
Papers Presented at International Scientific Meetings and Published in Proceedings Books:
Aykaç, B. (2018). An examination of the questions asked and the answers received: Psychology in the context of the postmodern paradigm. 8th International Congress on Current Debates in Social Sciences, 31.
Aslan, E. A., Ergün, N., Duman, B., Bozdağ, F., Karataş, S., Fakirullahoğlu, A. M. M. (2017). A qualitative research on coping strategies of the elderly who have lost a spouse. 1st International Congress of Social Humanities and Educational Sciences, 135-136. 2.
Aslan, E. A., Duman, B., Şen, D., Duran, C., Atarbay, S. (2015).A research on the perception of innovation. Ejer Congress 2015, ”Innovation and Professionalization in Education”, 530-531.
Altun, S. & Aykaç, B. (2009). The prediction level of high school students' English self-efficacy perception on their English performance according to gender, fields, and grades. The First International Congress of Educational Research. (1–3 May), Çanakkale, Turkey.
National/International Books or Chapters in Books:
Aykac, B. (2018). Chapter 5: Entrepreneurial creativity (Trans. B. Aykaç). A. E. Aslan (Trans. Ed.), Innovation and Entrepreneurship, (pp. 121-162). Nobel Academic Publishing ISBN:978-605-320- 822-8.
Aykac, B. (2018). An examination of the questions asked and the answers received: Psychological counseling in the context of the postmodern paradigm. A. E. Erbaş (Ed.), Paradigms and Understanding Social Issues, (p.13-25). Ijopec Publication Limited. ISBN:978-1-912503-56-8.