• Türkçe
  • English
Course Code: 
SPED 235
Course Period: 
Course Type: 
Course Language: 
Course Content: 

Basic concepts; legal and philosophical foundations; the meaning of not evaluating; medical, developmental, psychological and educational assessment; evaluation process: screening, diagnostics, placement, programming and programming; pre-submission process in evaluation; evaluation process of sending and evaluation; types of formal evaluation; types of informal assessment; curriculum evaluation; observation; skills analysis; criterion dependent tester; study case analysis; performance market; reporting the evaluation report; measurement development: preparing a measurement tool for performance improvement and development plans for various instructional plans, implementation, interpretation, using the instructions obtained.

Vertical Tabs

Course Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes Program Learning Outcomes Teaching Methods Evaluation Techniques
1) Identify the ethical / legal issues affecting administration of assessments. 1,4,10 1,2,3,4 1
2) Demonstrate an understanding and purpose of specific assessment instruments. 3,8 2.5.6 1
3) Identify assessment tools and methods used to assess students who have difficulties in reading math, written expression, oral language or social / emotional functioning. 1,3,4,10 1,4,5,6 2
4) Demonstrate an understanding of how individual differences such as cultural / linguistic backgrounds and socioeconomic status effects. 1,8,10 2,3,4 1,2
5) Demonstrate knowledge of the RTI process and how it impacts referral for special education services. 8,9,10 1,2,3,4 1
6) Administer selected assessment instruments following standardized procedures. 8 2,5,6 1,2,3
7) Transcribe and score assessment protocols, including computer scoring. 8,12 5,6 2,3


Course Flow

Week  Topics Preparation
1 History/Foundation of LD, Classification and Definition of SLD  
2 Legal/Ethical Issues in Assessment  
3 Special Education Referral Process  
4 Administration of Tests

Cultural Considerations

Test Score Review

5 Assessment of Oral Language/Vocabulary  
6 Assessment of Reading 

Test Administration

7 Assessment of Written Language

Visual-Motor Skills

8 Assessment of Mathematics  
9 Behavior Measures; Adaptive


10 Social Skills Measures;

Direct Observation

11 Interpretation of Assess. Results

Determining Eligibility

12 Report Writing

Communicating to Parents

13 Development of the IEP  
14 Transition  



Homework 1 25
Project 1 25
Final Homework 1 50
Total   100
Contribution of Final Exam to Success Grade   50
Contribution of Term (Year) Learning Activities to Success Grade   50
Total   100


Course’s Contribution to Program

No Program Learning Outcomes Contribution
1 2 3 4 5  
1 Have knowledge about disability groups in special education field and have information about individual, educational and social effects of disability.   X        
2 It takes an active role in raising awareness of the society and making a difference about the legal rights and needs of individuals in need of special education.            
3 Knows and uses appropriate teaching strategies and methods in subjects such as mathematics, science and social studies in primary and secondary education programs.       X    
4 It cooperates effectively with school / institution staff, experts, families and individuals in the community in order to ensure that the students gain the highest level during the special education process.     X      
5 Develops and implements Individualized Family Service Program (BAHP), Individualized Education Program (IEP) and Individualized Transition Plans (IEP), which are prepared by considering the needs of individuals and MONE curricula within the framework of special education laws.       X    
6 Knows and applies scientifically based approaches and methods in order to attain the achievements stated in the direction of IEP targets at the highest level and to ensure accessibility to MEB curriculum.            
7 Knows, develops and adapts to the individual needs of educational materials, current technology and other resources appropriate to the curriculum and IEP objectives.            
8 It organizes, analyzes and interprets evaluation data obtained from various sources and makes and evaluates the educational evaluation of individuals by using various techniques and methods.         X  
9 Evaluates individuals' learning using appropriate assessment tools and makes educational decisions based on data.         X  
10 Improves professional knowledge by following national and international developments in the field of special education and contributes to the development of special education field by using scientific research methods.       X    
11 Knows the basic values ​​and principles on which the Turkish education system is based, its aims, structure and legislation (laws, regulations, circulars, etc.) and the historical development of special education.            
12 Uses technology effectively in designing, implementing and evaluating learning environments and activities.       X    
13 Creates, manages and maintains culturally integrative learning environments that reflect respect, trust, interest and ethical behavior, value individuals' life experiences and developmental characteristics.            



COURSE CATEGORY Lecture on Specialized Field
Activities Number Duration
Work Load
Duration (hour) 15 3 45
Prestudy 15 2      30
Homework 1 1 4
Project 1       1 4
Final Homework 1 2 2
Total Workload      79
Total Workload / 25 (h)     3,1
ECTS Credit 15 3 45