• Türkçe
  • English
Course Code: 
ED 242
Course Period: 
Course Type: 
Course Language: 
Course Objectives: 
The aim of this course is to inform the students about the main purposes, basic structure and basic patterns of administrative and managerial practices pertaining to education system in Turkey. Additionally to equip the students with basic understanding about the concepts and theories of school administration and management with a special emphasis on the recent developing approaches.
Course Content: 

This course focuses on to introduce the education system and school?s organisational features with their different dimensions. Structural organization of central, provincial and foreign divisions of the Ministry of National Education. Basic legislative regulations related to Turkish Education System. The main levels of formal education, namely, the levels of pre-primary, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary and higher education institutions.
Theories and processes of organisation and administration and their implications in education. School as a social system. Human resource management in education institutions. Principals' duties related to school management. School-family- society relations. Contemporary issues and trends in education and school administration and management in Turkey. 

Vertical Tabs

Course Learning Outcomes

  1. By the end of the course student, 
  2. * explains the organisational and administrative structure of Turkish Education System.
  3. * defines the school administrative theories and processes and also the tasks related with educational administration and management.
  4. * lists the tasks related with the managerial practices and regulations in schools.
  5. * explains participation and contribution of the school society to school administration.
  6. * explains the school administrators' behaviours with reference to administration theories and process.
  7. * defines the duties, responsibilities and authorities of education directors and school principals.
  8. * evaluates the relationships between the educational practices and legislative regulations.


Course Flow

Week 1 The Overall Structure of Turkish Education System: Formal Education and Basic Indicators
Week 2 The Overall Structure of Turkish Education System: Formal Education and Basic Indicators
Week 3 The Overall Structure of Turkish Education System: Non-Formal Education and Basic Indicators
Week 4 The Central Organization of the Ministry of National Education: Divisions, Duties, Responsibilities and Authorities
Week 5 The Local (Provincial) and Foreign Organization of the Ministry of National Education: Divisions, Duties, Responsibilities and Authorities
Week 6 General Purposes and Principles of Turkish Education System
Week 7 Legal Basis of Turkish Education System: National and International Legal Documents.
Week 8 Mid-term exam
Week 9 Theories and Processes of Administration (Organization )
Week 10 Theories and Processes of Administration (Organization )
Week 11 School as a Social System and It's Administration and Management: Duties Related with Teaching Learning Activities.
Week 12 School as a Social System and It's Administration and Management: Duties Related with Teaching Learning Activities.
Week 13 School-Environment-Society and Family Relations.
Week 14 Contemporary Issues and Trends in Education and School Administration and Management in Turkey.
Week 15 Final exam

Recommended Sources

Akın, U. ve Diğerleri (2016), Türk eğitim sistemi ve okul yönetimi, 2. baskı, Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
Arslan, M. M. (Ed.) ve Diğerleri. (2017), Türk eğitim sistemi ve okul yönetimi, ISBN: 978-605-81916-0-0. Ankara: SMS yayınları.
Aydın, M. (2014), Eğitim yönetimi, 10. baskı, Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi
Aydın, M. (2014), Toplum, kültür, eğitim. Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Baysal, Z. N. ve Ada, S. (2015), Türk eğitim sistemi ve yapısı, Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
Erdoğan, İ. (2014), Eğitim ve okul yönetimi, (3. Baskı), İstanbul: ALFA Basım Yayım.
ERG. (2017), Eğitim reformu girişimi: eğitim izleme raporu 2016-2017, http://www.egitimreformugirisimi.org/egitim-izleme-raporu-2016-17/ adresinden 15.01.2018 tarihinde alındı.
Kanış, D. ve Songür,N. (2015), Okul stratejik yönetim etkinliklerine ilişkin öğretmen görüşleri, Ufuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (4), 25-47. 
Memduhoğlu, H. B. ve Yılmaz, K. (Ed.). (2016), Türk eğitim sistemi ve okul yönetimi, 8. baskı, 


Homework 1 25
Project 1 25
Final Homework 1 50
Total   100
Contribution of Final Exam to Success Grade   50
Contribution of Term (Year) Learning Activities to Success Grade   50
Total   100