Course Language:
Course Objectives:
Using different theoretical approaches and current approaches in the psychological help process, to enable students to think, work and analyze various cases on the basis of principles and techniques and ethical rules, and to explore different perspectives through classroom sharing.
Course Content:
Counselor-client relationship in psychological counseling, ethical rules, overview of principles and techniques and case examples; case studies and analysis in the light of psychoanalytic, existentialist, individual-centered, cognitive & behavioral, solution-oriented and new wave therapy perspectives and methods; class sharing, discussing the positive and negative aspects of the analysis. |
Course Methodology:
1: Lecture, 2: Case study, 3: Problem Solving , 4: Discussion, 5:Demonstration, 6: Group work
Course Evaluation Methods:
1. Written exam, 2. Multiple-choice test, 3. Space-filling, 4. Right-Wrong type, 5. Oral examination, 6. Portfolio