• Türkçe
  • English
Course Code: 
EDEM 240
Course Period: 
Course Type: 
Course Language: 
Course Objectives: 
The aim of the course is to learn and explain the fundamentals of Euclidean Geometry and prove theorems and solve problems by using those fundamental postulates and axioms.
Course Content: 

Historical development of Geometry

Fundamentals of Euclidean Geometry

Parallel and perpendicular lines





Area and volume

Course Methodology: 
1. Lecture 2. Case study 3. Discussion 4. Demonstration 5. Group work 6. Microteaching 7. Problem solving
Course Evaluation Methods: 
A. Supply type B. Multiple-choice test C. Incomplete D. True-False E. Oral exam F. Portfolio G. Performance type H. Report

Vertical Tabs

Course Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes Program Outcomes Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
1) Explains historical development of Geometry. 2 1 E
2) Explains 5 postulates of Euclidean Geometry. 1 1 E
3) Defines non-Euclidean Geometry. 1 1 E
4) Defines fundamental geometric concepts and knows the symbols and figures that represent those concepts. 1 4 A
5) Construct geometric figures by using compass, protractor and straightedge. 1 1, 4 A, E
6) Proves theorems about parallel lines, triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons and circles. 4 5, 7 A
7) Solves problems about parallel lines, triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, circles and solids. 1, 3, 4 3, 5, 7 A
8) Uses dynamic geometry software to prove theorems and/or solve problems. 4, 8 4, 7 G



Course Flow

Week Topics Study Materials
1 Fundamentals of Euclidean Geometry  
2 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines I Euclidean Axioms
3 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines II Basic Geometric Concepts
4 Congruency Types of Direct Proof
5 Congruent Triangles Congruency
6 Similarity Types of Direct Proof
7 Similar Triangles Similarity
8 Midterm  
9 Properties of Triangles  
10 Special Triangles Properties of Triangles
11 Properties of Polygons Polygons
12 Special Quadrilaterals Quadrilaterals
13 Circles Circles
14 Solids Prisms and Pyramids



Recommended Sources

Compulsory Larson, R., Boswell, L., & Stiff, L. (2004). Geometry. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell.
Recommended LYS Geometry Textbooks



Material Sharing

Documents Handouts for in-class activities
Assignments Problem Set1:

From the textbook: prb. 29 (p. 148), prb. 32-33 (p. 155), prb. 42 (p. 163), prb. 24 (p. 217)

Extra 1 problem

Problem Set 2:

From the textbook: prb. 19 (p. 234), prb. 57 (p. 487), prb. 29 (p. 494),

Extra 2 problems

Problem Set 3:

From the textbook: prb. 41 (p. 361), prb. 47 (p. 362)

Extra 3 problems





IN-TERM STUDIES Quantity Percentage
Midterm 1 30
Quiz 2 15
Final 1 40
Assignment 3 15
Total   100
Contribution of Final Exam to Overall Grade   40
Contribution of In-term Studies to Overall Grade   60
Total   100



COURSE CATEGORY Expertise / Field Courses



Course’s Contribution to Program

No Program Outcomes Level of contribution
1 2 3 4 5
1 Has in-depth knowledge about elementary school mathematics and geometry contents         X
2 Knows historical, cultural and scientific developments of the mathematical and geometrical concepts covered in elementary school mathematics and geometry curriculum       X  
3 Applies fundamental mathematical and geometric concepts into other disciplines and real life situations       X  
4 Applies mathematical processes such as problem solving and proving into given cases correctly         X
5 Plans mathematics and geometry teaching process in line with the elementary school curriculum’s vision, philosophy and goals   X      
6 Uses teaching strategies and techniques that are appropriate for students’ age, grade level, individual differences and readiness level   X      
7 Establishes learning environments that encourages students to learn mathematics and geometry X        
8 Uses and develop appropriate resources and materials to teach mathematics and geometry       X  
9 Monitors students’ learning process, development and achievement and assesses them by using appropriate assessment tools. X        
10 Improves professional knowledge by following recent issues in mathematics education X        
11 Contributes to the development of mathematics education by doing scientific research X        
12 Knows the philosophy, principles, rules and regulations of Turkish Education System X        




Activities Quantity Duration
Total Workload (Hour)
Course hours (including the exam week: 15 x total course) 15 3 45
Hours for off-the-classroom study (pre-study, practice) 15 4 60
Midterm 1 10 10
Quiz 2 5 10
Assignment 3 5 15
Final Exam 1 15 15
Total Workload     155
Total Workload / 25 (hours)     6.2
ECTS     6