• Türkçe
  • English
Course Code: 
EDEN 404
Course Period: 
Course Type: 
Course Language: 
Course Coordinator: 
Courses given by: 
Course Objectives: 
Content will include the examination of reflective teaching, of teachers’ beliefs on different aspects of teaching, and design and implementation of a classroom-based research. By the end of the class, students will have (a) examined reflective teaching, teachers’ beliefs as sources of their actions, and teacher research (b) reflected upon the classroom problems observed during practicum (c) developed a proposal for a classroom-based research (d) collected, analyzed and interpreted data (e) composed a report to share their findings
Course Content: 

This course is designed for teacher candidates to provide them with
theoretical and practical knowledge on teacher research for professional
development. The students are first guided to examine the nature of
classroom-based research and the tools and methodologies needed to
carry out an action or exploratory research. Then, they are encouraged to
design a study to conduct in schools where they do their practicum, and
report their study considering the norms of academic writing.

Course Methodology: 
1: Lecture, 2: Discussion, 3: Simulation, 4: Demonstration, 5: Problem solving, 6: Group work, 7: Drama, 8: Micro teaching
Course Evaluation Methods: 
A: Exam, B: Multiple choice, C: Gap filling, D: True false, E: Oral exam, F: Portfolio, G: Presentation, H: Proje

Vertical Tabs

Course Learning Outcomes


Learning Outcomes  Program


Teaching Methods  Assessment Methods 
  1. The students will learn classroom-based research techniques.
3, 5, 10 1,2,3,4,5 A,F,H
  1. The students will acquire the basic theoretical knowledge on teacher research.
3, 5, 10 1, 2, 3, 5 A,F,H
  1. The students will learn about the data collection tools, the administration of these tools to gather information and the analysis of the information to be to reported. 
       3, 5, 9
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 A,F,H
  1. The students will learn how to write a research proposal.
3, 5, 7 1, 3, 4 A,F,H
  1. The students will evaluate the published reports of teacher research.
3, 5, 6 2, 3,5 A,F,H
  1. The students will improve their reflective skills by reflecting upon their practicum experiences.
3, 10, 8 2, 3, 5, 6 A,F,H

Course Flow

Week Dates Topics Study Materials
Week 1 Feb. 20-21 Introduction to the course/ going over the syllabus  
Week 2 Feb. 27-28 Research paradigms and teacher research - Borg, S (2013). Teacher Research in Language Teaching
- Borg, S (2007). Research engagement in ELT
Week 3 March 5-6 Process of Exploration
Exploring teachers’ beliefs
Due 1st Journal entry
- Richards & Lockhart, Ch 1 & 2
- Gebhard & Oprandy Ch 2
Week 4 March 11-13 Action Research
Action Research Projects
Exploratory Practice
- Burns (1999) Ch 1,2,3
- Grabe & Stoller Ch 7
- Allwright (2003)
Week 5 March 19-20 Problem posing
Step 1 & 2: Identify your RQs
Classroom activity on identifying RQs
- Gebhard Ch 4
Week 6 March 26-27 Observational/ Non-observational techniques for data collection
Data collection: Collecting spoken, observed and written data
Classroom activity on data collection instrument
- Burns, Ch 4 & 5
- Lankshear & Knoebel, Ch 10, 11, 12
Week 7 April 2-3 Some key aspects of reviewing the literature
Understanding genre-specific features of RAs
Classroom activity on analyzing the move structure of IMRD
Submission of research proposal with RQs and data collection instrument
- Lankshear & Knoebel, Ch 5
Week 8 April 8-12 Bayram Tatili  
Week 9 April 16-17 Analyzing spoken, observed and written data in qualitative teacher research
(Data collection week)
Due 2nd Journal Entry
- Lankshear & Knoebel, Ch 13 & 14
Week 10 April 24 Reporting in teacher research
(Data collection week)
- Lankshear & Knoebel, Ch 16
Week 11 April 30 Understanding Reflective Teaching
Historical Roots of Reflective Teaching
- Zeichner & Liston, Ch. 1, 2
Week 12 May 7-8 Reflective Teaching
Classroom activity on exploring our reflectivity
Week 13 May 14-15 Presentation of the research projects  
Week 14 May 21-22 Presentation of the research projects  
Week 15 May 28 - June 29 Presentation of the research projects
Due 3rd journal entry
Submission of Research Projects June 4, 2024 (by midnight)
Final Exam June 4, 2024 Final Exam (11:00-13:00)  

Recommended Sources


Textbook Richards, J.C. & C.Lockhart, (1994). Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classrooms. Cambridge University Press.

Farrel, T.S. (2007). Reflective Language Teaching:  From Research to Practice. New York: Continuum.

Additional Resources Course pack includes the following articles:

Ashelman, P. (2008). Supporting teachers as researchers: Applications of educational research mentoring. The International Journal of Learning (15) 8, 113-120.

Bailey, K. M. (1997). Reflective teaching : Situating our stories. Asian Journal of English Language Teaching (7), 1-19.

Chamot, A. U., Barnhardt S., Dirstine, S. (1998). Conducting Action Research in the Foreign Language Classroom. Paper presented at Northeast Conference. New York.

Chou, Y.C. (2008).  Exploring the reflection of teachers’ beliefs about reading theories and strategies on their classroom practices.  Feng Chia Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 16, 183-216.

Gimenez, T. (1999). Reflective teaching and teacher education contributions from teacher training. Linguagem & Ensino (2) 2, 129-143.

Hans-Vaugn, D., Scherff, L. (2008). Beginning English teacher attrition, mobility and retention. The Journal of Experimental Aducation (1) 77, 21-53.

Quesada Pacheco, A. (2005). Reflective teaching and its impact on foreign language teaching. Numero Extraordinario (5), 1-19.

Nolen, A., Vander Putten, J. (2007). Action research in education: Addressing gaps in ethical principles and practices. Educational Researcher (7), 36, 401-407

Ogonor, B. O., Badmus, M. M. (2006). Reflective teaching practice among student teachers: The case in a tertiary institution in Nigeria. Australian Journal of Teacher Education (2) 31, 1-11.

Scott, J. B. (2008). The practice of usability: Teaching user engagement through service-learning. Technical Communication Quarterly 17 (4), 381-412.

Spada, N., Santos Lima, M.  The Isolation and Integration of Form-Focused Instruction: Views From ESL and EFL Teachers and Learners.

Tercanlıoğlu, L. Pre-service EFL teachers’ beliefs about foreign language learning and how they relate to gender.  Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 5-3(1), 145-162.

Material Sharing


Documents Data collection videos, in-class task materials 
Assignments 5 tasks for Research Journal 
Exams Final 


In-term Studies

In-term Studies Number Percentage
Research Project 1 60%
Research Journal (3 entries) 3 10%
Total (In-term)   70%

Final Examination Contribution

Final Examination Contribution
Contribution to Overall Grade 30%
Contribution of In-term Studies to Overall Grade 70%
Total 100%

Course’s Contribution to Program


No Program Learning Outcomes Contribution
1 2 3 4 5  
1 Having the knowledge of the theoretical and practical linguistic terminology and English language’s structural features and using language teaching methods and techniques accordingly.          
2 Using the appropriate language teaching methods and techniques by having the knowledge of and evaluating the theories, rules and techniques of English as a foreign language learning and teaching         X  
3 Preparing lesson plans by using appropriate instructional technologies according to the students’ needs, language proficiencies, ages, types of intelligence and learning styles          
4 Being able to choose, use and prepare lesson plans by evaluating the effectiveness of ready classroom materials according to the proficiency levels, ages and motivation levels of the students.     X      
5 Improving reading, speaking, writing and listening skills in English, and using the language at the level of finding information and sharing the information through written and spoken forms, and producing the language         X  
6 Using information and communication technologies effectively in English education and teaching.         X  
7 Recognizing English literary works like short stories, poems and novels and using them for teaching language skills.          
8 Using measurement and evaluation tools and techniques associated with English teaching through evaluating them in terms of validity and reliability.       X    
9 Having the knowledge of scientific research methods and having the ability to use them in the school environment and to use them in evaluating themselves both academically and individually.       X    
10 According to the field of the prospective teacher, experiencing the field-related pedagogical information and skills in the school environment, and comprehending and performing the cultural and ethical responsibilities that the profession requires.       X    


ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload

Activities Quantity Duration (Hour) Total Workload (Hour)
Course Duration 15 3 45
Hours for off-the-classroom study 15 1 15
Research Journal Entry 3 2 6
Research Project 1 50 50
Final Exam 1 3 3
Total Workload     119
Total Workload / 25 (h)     4.76
ECTS Credit of the Course     5