Course Language:
Course Coordinator:
Courses given by:
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Course Objectives:
The main purpose of this course is to develop an awareness and appreciation of theory and practice in teaching English to young learners. In order to increase pre-service language teachers’ understanding of children’s second language development, it reviews current approaches to teaching EFL to young children, and provides them with practical ideas to plan for young learner classes and to develop and adapt age-appropriate materials.
Course Content:
In this course, the students who understand the current theories of teaching English to young learners will translate the essence of a theory into practical applications for the classroom through microteachings. They will prepare a lesson plan with age appropriate materials to present to their peers. Then, they will self criticize their practices and receive feedback both from their peers and their instructors.
Course Methodology:
1: Lecture, 2: Discussion, 3: Simulation, 4: Demonstration, 5: Problem solving, 6: Group work, 7: Drama, 8: Micro teaching
Course Evaluation Methods:
A: Exam, B: Multiple choice, C: Gap filling, D: True false, E: Oral exam, F: Portfolio, G: Presentation, H: Project