Course Language:
Course Objectives:
This course aims to improve students writing skills and teaching them features and rules of the language.
Course Content:
Characteristics of academic writing: Using definitions, concepts and terms in academic writing; facts and opinion; structure of academic texts (articles, reports and scientific abstract, etc.); writing a claim or proposition (supporting or rejecting an idea); Functional properties of scientific reports and articles; steps of writing a report; explanation, discussion and making connections between texts; writing references (citations and endnotes; preparing reference list); writing title, making summary; writing keywords; ethical issues while writing a scientific text; applications of writing academic text.
Course Methodology:
1. Lecture 2. Case study 3. Discussion 4. Demonstration 5. Group work 6. Microteaching 7. Problem solving
Course Evaluation Methods:
A. Supply type B. Multiple-choice test C. Incomplete D. True-False E. Oral exam F. Portfolio G. Performance type H. Report