Course Language:
Course Coordinator:
Courses given by:
Course Assistants :
Course Objectives:
This course aims to develop prospective language teachers’ understanding of
the principles and processes of EFL reading and writing, enable them to make
their own lesson plans to improve their classroom management and planning
skills, and abilities to prepare age-appropriate and proficiency level appropriate
materials and activities to teach reading and writing effectively in an EFL
Course Content:
This course introduces pre-service teachers to foreign language reading and
writing, including theory and practical applications in the field. It is designed to
first give pre-service teachers some brief ideas about how people actually learn
to read and write and the theories about the ways to teach learners to do this.
Second, this class will have a significant practical component. This part of the
class will consist of students’ designing their own materials for teaching reading
and writing, and making a lesson plan to use in such a class. All the materials
they create for this class will be shared with the instructor through the
Course Methodology:
1: Lecture, 2: Discussion, 3: Simulation, 4: Demonstration, 5: Problem solving, 6: Group work, 7: Drama, 8: Micro teaching
Course Evaluation Methods:
A: Exam, B: Multiple choice, C: Gap filling, D: True false, E: Oral exam, F: Portfolio, G: Presentation, H: Proje