• Türkçe
  • English
Course Code: 
Eden 319
Course Period: 
Course Type: 
Course Language: 
Course Coordinator: 
Course Assistants : 
Course Objectives: 
This course aims to develop prospective language teachers’ understanding of the principles and processes of EFL reading and writing, enable them to make their own lesson plans to improve their classroom management and planning skills, and abilities to prepare age-appropriate and proficiency level appropriate materials and activities to teach reading and writing effectively in an EFL classroom.
Course Content: 

This course introduces pre-service teachers to foreign language reading and
writing, including theory and practical applications in the field. It is designed to
first give pre-service teachers some brief ideas about how people actually learn
to read and write and the theories about the ways to teach learners to do this.
Second, this class will have a significant practical component. This part of the
class will consist of students’ designing their own materials for teaching reading
and writing, and making a lesson plan to use in such a class. All the materials
they create for this class will be shared with the instructor through the

Course Methodology: 
1: Lecture, 2: Discussion, 3: Simulation, 4: Demonstration, 5: Problem solving, 6: Group work, 7: Drama, 8: Micro teaching
Course Evaluation Methods: 
A: Exam, B: Multiple choice, C: Gap filling, D: True false, E: Oral exam, F: Portfolio, G: Presentation, H: Proje

Vertical Tabs

Course Learning Outcomes


Learning Outcomes Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
Gain knowledge of techniques and methods used in teaching EFL reading and writing. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 A, F, G
Write and implement effective reading and writing lesson plans for specific learners. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 A, F, G
Become familiar with the theoretical issues in EFL reading/writing classrooms. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 A, F, G

Program Outcomes

Program Outcomes
Develop original materials to enhance language skills.
Comprehend and apply basic theories, principles, and methods in teaching EFL.
Prepare a lesson plan considering students’ needs, language proficiency, age, intelligence types, and learning styles.
Organize and apply activities enabling students to read and write effectively.
Be aware of language learning properties of different age groups and use appropriate language teaching methods.

Teaching and Assessment Methods

Teaching Methods Assessment Methods
1: Lecture
2: Discussion
3: Simulation
4: Demonstration
5: Problem-solving
6: Group Work
7: Drama
8: Micro-teaching
A: Exam
B: Multiple Choice
C: Gap Filling
D: True-False
E: Oral Exam
F: Portfolio
G: Peer-teaching

Course Flow


Week Dates Topics/Activities Additional Notes
Week 1 30 Sept - 2 October Introduction to the course
Sign up for peer teachings
Week 2 07-9 October ✔ The Nature of Reading Abilities (Grabe & Stoller, 2011)
Read the chapters and be ready for discussion!
Week 3 14-16 October ✔ Key issues in teaching and learning vocabulary (Schmitt, N., 2010)
✔ Planning the Reading Lesson (Aerbersold, J. A. & Field, M. A., 1977)
✔ Digital reading (Reiber-Kuijpers et al., 2020)
Your Responsibility
Week 4 21-23 October ✔ Scanning
✔ Predicting
✔ Skimming
✔ Previewing
Week 5 28-30 October ✔ Chronological sequence
✔ Completing a document
✔ Main idea
✔ Function of the text
Week 6 04-6 November ✔ Classification
✔ Matching
✔ Jigsaw Reading
✔ Using the info
Week 7 11-13 November ✔ Writer’s intention
✔ Reading to confirm expectations
✔ Reading to extract specific information
✔ Argumentative and logical organization
Week 8 18-20 November ✔ Classification
✔ Chronological sequence
✔ Jigsaw Reading
✔ Reading to confirm expectations
Week 9 25-27 November ✔ Writing as a process (Harmer, J., 2004)
✔ Describing written text (Harmer, J., 2004)
✔ Writing and teaching writing (Hyland, K., 2003)
✔ Techniques in responding to students’ writing (Raimes, A., 1983)
✔ New technologies in writing instruction (Hyland, K., 2003)
Your Responsibility
Week 10 02-04 December ✔ Brainstorming
✔ Combining information
✔ Gathering information
Week 11 9-11 December ✔ Pyramid planning
✔ Free writing
✔ Combining information
✔ Using questionnaires
Week 12 16-18 December ✔ Using questionnaires
✔ Sentence combining
✔ Jigsaw story writing
✔ Summarizing
Week 13 23-25 December ✔ Transferring information to a diagram
✔ Using cohesive devices
✔ Organizing general and supporting statements
✔ Reformulating a paragraph
Week 14 30 December ✔ Unscrambling a text
✔ Reporting real events
✔ Techniques in using pictures

Recommended Sources


Textbook Aebershold, J. A., & Field, M. L. (1997). From Reader to Reading Teacher. Cambridge: CUP.

Harmer, J. (2004). How to Teach Writing. Pearson Education. India.

Additional Resources Silberstein, S. (1993). Techniques and Resources in Teaching Reading. Oxford University Press.

Grabe, W & Stoller, F. L. (2019). Teaching and Researching Reading. Routledge.

Hyland, K. (2003). Second Language Writing. Cambridge university press.

Raimes, A. (1983). Techniques in Teaching Writing. Oxford University Press, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY.

Harmer, J. (2007). How to teach English. Pearson, Essex: Longman.

Material Sharing


Documents Powerpoint slides and sample lesson plans
Assignments Lesson plans, self/peer evaluation 
Exams In-class Midterm, Final



Assignment Points Percentage Due Dates
Lesson Plan and Teaching 60 60% To be announced
Final Exam (Including reaction paper on writing) 30 30% Final Exam Week
4 Reflective Reports (Two self-evaluation + two peer evaluation) 10 10% Throughout the course
Total 100 100%  

Course’s Contribution to Program


No Program Learning Outcomes Contribution
1 2        
1 Should develop a good command of concepts in linguistics (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and discourse) both in theory and practice as they can be effectively used in teaching EFL.            
2 Should develop the ability to use appropriate language teaching methods and techniques by critically examining the theories behind the processes of learning and teaching EFL.            
3 Should be able to prepare lesson plans that would accommodate learner factors such as biological (age and gender), cognitive (intelligence and its types, and aptitude), social (culture), and contextual (available technology, learning facilities, and instructional materials).            
4 Should develop a native like command of language skills and components in both receptive and productive modes of communication.             
5 Should be able to use information and communication technologies effectively in EFL context.            
6 Should be prepared to use English literary works such as short stories, poems, and novels that would help improve the process of teaching language skills.            
7 Should be able to develop and implement appropriate assessment tools and techniques that would enhance student learning with creating a dynamic learning oriented assessment environment.            
8 Will develop a good command of the knowledge of scientific research methods (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed) and the ability to interpret and implement the findings to improve both teaching and learning processes.            
9 Should develop a reasonable command of the linguistic, cultural, and ethical responsibilities of the teaching profession by experiencing practice teaching in real pedagogical contexts at schools.              
10 Should develop a good command of concepts in linguistics (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and discourse) both in theory and practice as they can be effectively used in teaching EFL.            



In-term Studies

In-term Studies Number Percentage
Microteachings 2 60%
Peer and Self-Reflective Reports 4 10%
Total (In-term)   70%

Final Examination Contribution

Final Examination Contribution
Contribution to Overall Grade 30%
Contribution of In-term Studies to Overall Grade 70%
Total 100%

ECTS Allocation Based on Student Workload

Activities Quantity Duration (Hour) Total Workload (Hour)
Course Duration 14 3 42
Hours for Off-the-Classroom Study 14 1 14
Microteachings 2 25 50
Reflective Reports 4 4 16
Final Exam 1 3 3
Total Workload     125
Total Workload / 25 (h)     5
ECTS Credit of the Course     5