Course Language:
Course Coordinator:
Courses given by:
Course Objectives:
The purpose of this course is to provide students with the practicum experience through the cooperating schools of the Ministry of Education. It also helps senior student teachers to synthesize their background knowledge and skills for effective and efficient implementation of teaching under the guidance of the university supervisor.
Course Content:
Senior year pre-service teachers observe the cooperating teachers, the use of a variety of language teaching methods and techniques, language learners, materials, and class management techniques; prepare at least two lesson plans to implement by designing authentic activities that induce the use of real language; create an environment appropriate for learning; observe and assess students’ learning; evaluate themselves and their peers’ lesson planning and teaching skills and write self- and peer-evaluation reports, discuss challenges of different teaching contexts and provide solutions for them through case reviews, and reflect upon their own teaching practices with a final reflection report.
Course Methodology:
1: Lecture, 2: Discussion, 3: Simulation, 4: Demonstration, 5: Problem solving, 6: Group work, 7: Drama, 8: Micro teaching
Course Evaluation Methods:
A: Exam, B: Multiple choice, C: Gap filling, D: True false, E: Oral exam, F:Portfolio, G: Presentation, H: Project