Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI & SSCI & Arts and Humanities)
- Görkemoğlu B., Akyel A S. (2024). Tracing the trajectory of teacher engagement in the case of a CPD: Does fake engagement really exist?. Language Related Research, 15(5), 85-119 https://doi.org/10.29252/LRR.15.5.4
- Savaşçı, M., Akyel, A S. (2022). Investigating the comparative effects of Sustained Silent Reading, Assisted Repeated Reading, and Traditional Reading. TEFLIN Journal, 33(1), 173-200., Doi: 10.15639/teflinjournal.v33i1/173-200 (Yayın No: 9009731)
- Savaşçı, M. & Akyel, A. (2018). Possible Effects of Sustained Silent Reading in an EFL context: Learner Perceptions, Extensive Reading World Congress Proceedings, 4 (4), 114-126. doi: http://jalt-publications.org/content/index.php/jer/article/view/64/32
- Akyel, A. (2015). Research Engagement in the EFL Pre-Service Practicum. Language in Focus Journal. doi: 10.1515/lifijsal-2015-0001
- Bülbül, İ., Akyel, A. (2015) Expectations of the triad members for the roles and responsibilities of university supervisors and cooperating EFL teachers during the pre-service practicum. ELT Research Journal. 4(2), 58-100
- Ortaçtepe, D. and Akyel, A. S. (2015), The Effects of a Professional Development Program on English as a Foreign Language Teachers’ Efficacy and Classroom Practice. TESOL Journal. doi: 10.1002/tesj.185
- Kurt, G., Akyel A., Koçoğlu, Z. and Mishra, P. (2014). TPACK in practice: A qualitative study on technology integrated lesson planning and implementation of Turkish pre-service teachers of English. ELT Research Journal, 3(3), 153-166.
- Bilikozen, N. & Akyel, S. A. (2014). EFL Reading Comprehension, Individual Differences and Text Difficulty. The Reading Matrix, 14 (2), 263-296.
- Mede E. & Akyel, S. A. (2014). Design of a Language Preparatory Program: A Case Study / Dil Hazırlık Okulu Tasarımı: Bir Örnek Çalışma, Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama, 10 (3), 627-642.
- İnceçay, G. & Akyel, S. A. (2014). Turkish EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of English as a Lingua Franca, Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 5(1), 1-12.
- Akyel, A. S. & Ozek, Y. (2010). A language needs analysis research at an English medium university in Turkey. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, (2), 2, 969-975.
- Akyel, A. & Erçetin, G. (2009) Hypermedia Reading Strategies Employed by Advanced Learners of English. System, 37(1), 136-152.
- Kocoglu, Z., Akyel, A.and Ercetin, G. (2008). Pen/ Paper and Electronic Portfolios: An Effective Tool for Developing Reflective Thinking of Turkish EFL Student Teachers. Mediterrean Journal of Educational Studies, 13, 1-24.
- Erktin, E. & Akyel, A. (2005). The role of L1 and L2 reading comprehension in solving mathematical word problems: A case in a partial immersion program. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 28, 52-66.
- Salatacı, R. & Akyel, A. (2002). Strategy training in L1 and L2 reading. Reading in a Foreign Language. 14 (1). 1-17.
- Akyel, A. (2000). Collaboration to explore teaching: A case study. TESL Canada Journal. 18(1). 58-74.
- Akyel, A. (1999). Teachers' attitudes towards their job and professional development in Turkey. Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies. 4(3). 40-51.
- Akyel, A. (1997). Experienced and student EFL teachers' instructional thoughts and actions. Canadian Modern Language Review. 58(4). 677-692.
- Akyel, A. and Kamışlı, S. (1996). Composing in First and Second Languages: Possible Effects of EFL Writing Instruction.ERIC.
- Akyel, A. (1995). Stylistic analysis of poetry: A perspective from an initial training course in TEFL. TESL Canada Journal. 13(1). 63-73.
- Akyel, A. (1994). First language use in EFL writing: Planning in Turkish vs. Planning in English. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 4(2). 169-196.
- Akyel, A. (1994). Review of classroom observation tasks. ELT Journal. 48(4). 367-369.
- Akyel, A. and Yalçın, E. (1991). Principles involved in writing an ESP textbook for Turkish policemen. Journal of Human Sciences. 10(2). 1-25.
- Akyel, A. (1991). Evaluation of an ESP program: A case study report. ITL: Review of Applied Linguistics. 93-94. 1-23.
- Akyel, A. and Yalçın, E. (1990). Literature in the EFL class: A study of goal-achievement incongruence. ELT Journal. 44(3). 171-180.
- Akyel, A. (1990). The use of literature in content-based writing: A conceptual framework. Language Learning Journal. 1(2). 37-38.
- Akyel, A. (1987). Loneliness or the borderline between void and society. Revista Canaria des Estudios Ingleses. 13-14. 29-34.
Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan bildiriler
- Akyel, A. (2018). The History of Pre-service Language Teacher Education in Turkey with a Special Focus on Practicum . 5th international conference on new trends in English language teaching and testing, İstanbul (Plenary speaker)
- Kara E., Akyel A. S. (2017) At First Sight: The Effects of Short Term Extensive Reading Program on Turkish EFL learners’ motivation in Reading and Reading Engagement. The 4th World Congress on Extensive Reading. August 4, 2017. Toyo Gakuen University, Tokto, Japan
- Akyel, S. A . (2014). Collaboration for Individual Classroom Practice: A Case Study Report, 8th International ELT Research Conference: Innovative Approaches to research in ELT, Çanakkale 18 Mart University, 15-17 May 2014, Çanakkale,Turkey.
- Akyel, A. (2010). Expectations of University Supervisors, Cooperating Teachers and EFL Student Teachers for the Roles and Responsibilities of University Supervisors and Cooperating EFL Teachers. Current Trends in SLA Research and Language Teaching Conference. 14-16th May, 2010, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey.
- Akyel, A. (2009). Internet-based English language education project. Internatıonal Symposium on e-INSET NET: Recent Developments In Distance Education in Language Teaching and Teacher Education Conference. 1-3rd October 2009. Middle East Technical University, Turkey.
- Akyel, A. (2008). Teacher Efficacy and professional development, 5th International Conference in ELT research, 23-25 May, Çanakkale, Turkey.
- Akyel, A. (2008, August). Quality in English Education. 11th International Convention on Students' Imece Circles. Yeditepe University, Istanbul.
- Akyel, A.& Neslihan, A. (2006). The Relationship of individual-difference variables on EFL reading comprehension, XXIIII, International TESL Conference Proceedings, Dubai.
- Erçetin, G. & Akyel, A. (2003). Hypertext reading strategies employed by advanced EFL learners. EUROCALL Conference Proceedings, 3-6 September, Limerick, Ireland.
- Akyel, A, Erçetin, G., & Akbulut, Y. (2004). Factors affecting reading comprehension in a hypermedia environment. EUROCALL Conference Proceedings, 1-4 September, Viena, Austria.
- Akyel, A, Erçetin, G., & Akbulut, Y. (2004). Factors affecting reading comprehension in a hypermedia environment. EUROSLA Conference Proceedings, 8-11 September, San Sebastian, Spain.
- Akyel, A. (2001, September). Professional Development of EFL Teachers. EARLI Conference Proceedings. Freiburg, Switzerland.
- Salatacı, R. and Akyel, A. (1999). Reading Strategies in EFL. TESOL 1999 Conference Proceedings, New York.
- Akyel, A. (1999, March). Collaboration to Explore Teaching. IATEFL 1999 Conference Proceedings, Edinburgh.
- Akyel, A. (1997, March). Colloquium: Professional Development: Duty or Delight? 31st TESOL Annual Convention, Florida, USA.
- Akyel, A. (1997, March). Professional Development of EFL teachers: National and international perspectives. 31st TESOL Annual Convention. Conference Proceedings, Florida, USA.
- Akyel, A. (1996, March). Experienced and student EFL teachers' instructional thoughts and actions. 30th TESOL Annual Convention, Conference Proceedings, March 26-39, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- Akyel, A. (1993, August). First language use in EFL writing: Planning in Turkish vs. planning in English. AILA ‘93, 10th International Applied Linguistics Conference Proceedings, Amsterdam, Holland.
Yazılan uluslararası kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler
- Akyel, A., & Ortaçtepe, D. (2024). Using COLT in an EFL professional development program in Turkey. In N. Spada & L. Gurzynski-Weiss. (Eds.), The COLT Observation Scheme (pp. 157–160). John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi 10.1075/lllt.60
- Akyel, A. (2012). Research Perspectives on Teaching and Learning English in Turkey: Policies and Practices. In Yasemin Bayyurt and Yeşim Bektaş-Çetinkaya (Eds.), Preservice English language teacher education in Turkey. 25-37. Peter Lang.
- Akyel, A. (2000). Collaboration for professional development. In M. Monty and T. Godfrey (Eds.), Global Problems, Local Solutions. 16-19. Heinle & Heinle.
- Akyel, A. and Kamisli, S. (1999). Writing and word processing in the EFL classroom: Possible effects on writing strategies, attitudes, compositions, composition ratings and length. In M.C. Pennington (Ed.), Writing in an Electronic Medium: Research with Second Language Learners. 14-29. Houston, Texas. Athelstan.
- Akyel, A. and Kamisli, S. (1997). Composing in first and second languages: Possible effects of EFL writing instruction. In K.H. Pogner (Ed.), Odense Working Papers: Text and interaction. 14. 69-107. Odense: University Press.
- Koç, S., Akyel, A., Ekmekçi, Ö., and Tercanlıoğlu, L. (1997). Fakülte okul işbirliği çerçevesinde yabancı dil öğretimi yöntemleri. YÖK/Dünya Bankası Milli Eğitimi Geliştirme Projesi, Öğretmen Eğitimi Dizisi. Ankara: YÖK.
- Akyel, A. (1986). Yalnızlıkla Toplum Arasında. İstanbul: Puhu Yayınları
Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
- Akyel, A. and Sönmez,G (2017) “Effects of an in-service teacher education course on language teachers’ research knowledge and practice”. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Journal of Theory and Practice in Education. 13(4), 734-758
- Akyel, A. (2006). "Türkiye'de Yabancı Dil Eğitimi". Artı Eğitim, 15, 2-6.
- Akyel, A. (2002). "Etkin yabancı dil öğrenimi". Ana Dili: Dil ve Eğitim Dergisi, 26, 7-17.
- Akyel, A. and Yalçın, E. (1994). The role of learner-teacher-institution factors in the design and implementation of an ESP program. Boğaziçi University Journal of Educational Sciences. 16. 199-210.
- Akyel, A. (1991). A possible application of the developmental process in an initial training course for the teaching of literature in the EFL context. Boğaziçi University Journal of Educational Sciences. 14. 69-75.
Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
- Akyel, A (2014) The History of Pre-service Language Teacher Education in Turkey with a Special Focus on Practicum: A Neglected Component, 3rd National Conference on Foreign Language Education, Boğaziçi University, İstanbul. (Plenary speaker)
- Akyel, A. (2007). Reading in EFL. The 3rd ELT Conference, Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus.
- Akyel, A. (2004, June). EFL Reading Strategies. International ELT Conference, Istanbul technical University (Plenary speaker)
- Akyel, A. (2003). Yabancı Bir Dil olarak İngilizce Eğitimi ve Öğretiminde Yaşanan Sorunlar, Çözümleri ve Gelişmeler. Avrupa Birliğine Giriş Sürecinde Türk Eğitim Sistemi, Özel Okullar Derneği, İstanbul.
- Akyel, A. (2002).Katılımcı Dil Öğrenimi, Ece Vahapoğlu, ed., Yabancı Dil Öğrenimi, 123-133, Alta Yayınevi.
- Akyel, A. (2002). Etkin Yabancı Dil Öğrenimi. TÖMER. İzmir. (Invited Speaker)
- Akyel, A. (2000). Quality in Education. MEB-Kalder Quality in Education Panel
- Akyel, A. (2000). Collaboration for Professional Development. ELT Conference Proceedings. Işık University, İstanbul.
- Akyel, A. (1999). Collaboration in Teacher Education. Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı Yabancı Dil Öğretimi Sempozyumu, Konferans Kitapçığı: 2000'li Yılların Dil Öğretiminde Yeni Eğilimler ve Yaklaşımlar, İstanbul. (Invited Speaker)
- Akyel, A. and Sağlıcak, H. (1999). Research on the relationship between ESL/EFL teachers' beliefs and instructional practices. In T. Dinçay (Ed.), New trends and aims in language education in the 2000's. İstanbul: Ground Forces Language School.
- Akyel, A. (1998, January). Inservice Teacher Education. III. EFL Conference Proceedings. Heybeliada Askeri Lisesi, İstanbul. (Invited Speaker)
- Akyel, A. and Kamışlı, S. (1996, September). Composing in first and second languages: Possible effects of EFL writing instruction. Second IATEFL Balkan Conference Proceeding, September 5-7, Boğaziçi University.
- Akyel, A. (1996). Deneyimli İngilizce öğretmenleri ile öğretmen adaylarının eğitsel düşünce ve eylemleri üzerine bir karşılaştırma. Modern Öğretmen Yetiştirmede İlerlemeler, Başkent Öğretmenevi: Ankara, 207-229.
- Kamışlı, S. and Akyel, A. (1996, September). Writing and word processing in the EFL classroom: Possible effects on writing strategies, attitudes, and compositions. Second IATEFL Balkan Conference Proceeding, September 5-7, Boğaziçi University.
- Akyel, A. (1996, April). More comprehensible input supported by grammar instruction: Pedagogical implications. Kuleli Askeri Lisesi, III. EFL Conference. (Invited Speaker)
- 2010-: Life-long Learning Program- Comenius
- 2008-2010: Internet-based M.A. Program for Inservice Teachers, Yeditepe University.
- 2007-2008: Research project on the comparison of face to face and blended M.A. in ELT program (Supported by Yeditepe University)
- 2005-2007: Research project on the relationship between professional development and teacher efficacy
- 2002 - 2005: Research Project on the factors affecting reading comprehension in a hypermedia environment for advanced learners of English. (Supported by Boğaziçi University Research Fund)
- 1998- 2000: Research project on possible effects of student teacher- supervising teacher collaboration on supervising teachers' professional development. (Supported by Boğaziçi University Research Fund)
- March 1997: In-service Education for EFL teachers in Musevi Okulu, Supported by Musevi Okulu, Etiler, İstanbul.
- 1996-1997: Research Project on the evaluation of the Foreign Language Education Program in Darüşşafaka High School supported by Darüşşafaka Education Foundation.
- 1995-1996: Research project on the effects of word processing on EFL students' writing strategies, attitudes and compositions supported by Boğaziçi University Research Fund.
- 1992-1994: Research project on the effects of using the first language in writing compositions in English as a foreign language supported by Boğaziçi University Research Fund
- 1990-1991: Designing Materials and teaching ESP for Turkish Policemen, Rotary Club, İstanbul.
Bilimsel ve Mesleki Kuruluşlara Üyelikler
- TESOL - Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, U.S.A.
- IATEFL - International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, England.
- AAAL - American Association of Applied Linguistics, U.S.A.
- EARLI - European Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
- 2005 : TÜBA Uluslararası Yayın Desteği
- 2002: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Vakfı Uluslararası Yayın Desteği
- TÜBA Uluslararası Yayın Desteği
- 2000: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Akademik Teşvik Ödülü
- 2000: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Vakfı Uluslararası Yayın Desteği
- TÜBA Uluslararası Yayın Desteği
- 1999: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Akademik Teşvik Ödülü
- 1997: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Vakfı Uluslararası Yayın Desteği
- TÜBA Uluslararası Yayın Desteği
- 1969: Halide Edip Adıvar Edebiyat Ödülü-Arnavutköy Kız Koleji